miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

What can teenagers do against corruption?

Por: aadls997

Well, as we have spoken from the main idea of the topic, in the main idea and the objective, this research paper is going to talk about all the support that teenagers can have in the constitutional laws and also how they are going to get a good development with them to make their demonstrations.

In Guatemala has more than 16 million of people, but over a 70% of people are young, they can be in the group of Teenagers or Students (Cronica, 2015). Now this statistic that is presented by “Cronica Magazine”, tell us that Guatemala has a higher percentage of teenagers and young people according to other countries that most of the people that live there, are older or over 30 years, the most common countries can be: Spain, Russia, France, and all the European countries.

Now a day’s Young people and students are getting more influenced by the new according of a young vote for political elections, but all of this is going to depend on how they are going to get information and what information they can get from each political party. For these new elections there is coming a new political party that has some features that are the same with the teenager or student thinking, so now students from different universities can start looking for a place on that different parties, and this means a lot for Guatemala because with young people in the congress the way of thinking can change a lot.

·        Can the constitution support this young people to apply for any political participation, according to the constitution?

According to Article 113, of the constitution of Guatemala, that says: “Los Guatemaltecos tienen derecho a optar a empleos o cargos públicos y para su otorgamiento no se atenderá mas que razones fundadas en meritos de capacidad, idoneidad y honradez”. (Constitution of Guatemala, 2005).

With this article we can see that everybody can apply for a political charge always if that person is Guatemalan, and also two requirements that are not mentioned in this article are: That a person that want to apply for a political charge, must know how to read, how to write, and a charge on education; and the other one is that this person must be in a legal age, so this person must be working in the development on their civil and legal works.  

·        What are the requirements to start a demonstration in the street?

According to the article 33, from the constitution of Guatemala, that says: “Se reconoce el derecho de reunion Pacifica y sin armas. Los derechos de reunión y de manifestación pública no pueden ser restringidos, disminuidos o coartados; y la ley los regulara con el único objeto de garantizar el orden público. Las manifestaciones religiosas en el exterior de los templos son permitidas y se rigen por la ley. Para el ejercicio de estos derechos bastara la previa notificación de los organizadores ante la autoridad competente.

According to this article we can see that teenagers and students are in the right to make a demonstration just to help and to transmit any message to the people and government, as for example a demonstration can work as a way of development for the ideas that young people can have, but always making a notification to the organizer and also with a big respect to rules, getting without any gun.

·        How does the demonstrations are seen by: “La ley del orden publico”?

According to “La ley del orden Publico”, referring to the article 1: “Esta ley se aplicara en los casos de invasión del territorio nacional y perturbación grave de la paz, de calamidad pública o de actividades contra la seguridad del estado.

This law and the article from it can tell us and give us an idea that a demonstration should be calm and not always go to make a disturb just to express your feelings and what do you really think about the problems.

 Now according to this three articles that are the most basic information related to a demonstration, we can conclude that a person must make and express their feelings to any problem that the country is having because just on that way we are going to stop that problem because the most important organizations that are working to prevent corruption, now they are just earning money without doing something productive.

People have to respect this laws and articles and also what they say because a demonstration is not an activity where you can go with a gun and start killing people just because nobody agrees with you, a demonstration is where you can make a team with that neighbor that is next to you. Where you can demonstrate that Guatemala is a poor country but a country that is fighting to stop the problems that it has and also a country that focuses in the thinking that they had in October 20th of 1944.

Now a days Guatemala could make a goal reality, the absence of the vice-president, and we made it on the best way that we could with peace, according to laws and always making a demonstration an activity that families can do and where they can spend the time, but we must get focus on young people.

Because they are the people that is going to fight for country in the future.

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